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- Heritage Library Catalogue51
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- A dumping ground 1
- Aboriginal Doll 1
- Aboriginal camp sites of greater Brisbane 1
- Aboriginal gatherings in south-east Queensland / Hilary Sullivan. 1
- Aboriginal myths 1
- Aboriginal place names of south-east Australia and their meanings / by Aldo Massola. 1
- Aboriginal stories of Australia / A.W. Reed. 1
- Along the Sunshine Coast / by Alf Wood ; illustrated by Terry St. Ledger. 1
- An Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment of the Eastern portion of the Maroochy shire / by S.J. Davies with Matt Salmon. 1
- An evaluation of knowledge of the massacre of Murries at Murdering Creek, Sunshine Coast / researched and written by John F. P. Windolf for Maroochy Libraries Heritage Library, Nambour. 1
- Beyond survival 1
- Biting the clouds 1
- Boori / Bill Scott ; illustrated by A.M. Hicks. 1
- Bush heritage 1
- Cherbourg 1
- Cherbourg dorm girls / Jeannie Mok. 1
- Cooloola Coast 1
- Dictionary of the Gubbi-Gubbi and Butchulla languages / compiled by Jeanie Bell, with assistance from Amanda Seed. 1
- Goombuckar and Babalacoom [dvd] 1
- Gubbi Gubbi animal friends 1
- In the tracks of a rainbow 1
- Indigenous cultural heritage study of Noosa Shire / Noosa Council, Leddy Sergiacomi & Associates, Eve Fesl 1
- Interview with June Bond / Aboriginal families at Cherbourg in the 1920's / Susan Brinnand 1
- Is that you, Ruthie? / by Ruth Hegarty. 1
- Man on a mission 1
- Nineteenth century Cooloola 1
- Noosa and Gubbi Gubbi 1
- Notes on Fraser Island aborigines / 1
- Place of Crowes / produced and directed by James Muller, Earth Base Productions. 1
- Soul havens 1
- Taking the time / [compiled by Ann Baillie]. 1
- Tales of the Sunshine Coast / by Alf Wood ; <illustrated by Terry St. Ledger>. 1
- The Aborigines of the Sunshine Coast area 1
- The Queensland Aborigines / W. E. Roth. 1
- The clans of Kgippandingi 1
- The clans of Yuludara 1
- The encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia 1
- The legend of Gympie 1
- The spiritual journey 1
- The story of Maroochy / Yvonne McBurney. 1
- Tom Petrie's reminiscences of early Queensland / Constance Campbell Petrie ; with an introduction by Mark Cryle. 1
- Two representative tribes of Queensland 1
- Vocabularies of four representative tribes of South Eastern Queensland 1
- What is the story of Murdering Creek? 1
- White blackfellows 1
- Written in sand 1
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