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- Article & Manuscript27
- Audio5
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- Ephemera6
- Events & Festival1
- Heritage Library Catalogue36
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- 1998 local business directory for the townships & surrounding districts of Kin-Kin, Cooran, Pomona, Boreen Point, Cooroy and and Eumundi 1
- 1999 local business directory for the townships & surrounding districts of Kin-Kin, Cooran, Pomona, Boreen Point, Cooroy and and Eumundi 1
- A brief history of Sacred Heart Church Cooroy / edited by B. J. Dwyer. 1
- Architectural Plans Mill Place and Global Connect Centre Cooroy 1
- Bath Collection 1
- Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra) Strategic Planning Study 1
- Cooroy Butter Factory collection 1
- Cooroy Police Station records 1909-1970 [manuscript] 1
- Cooroy Rag Community Newspaper [CD ROMS] 1
- Cooroy Sawmill, Maple Street & Marara Street, Cooroy Heritage Assessment for Noosa Shire Council / prepared for the Noosa Council by Onedegree (Richard Muhling). 1
- Cooroy State School 1
- Cooroy State School 1
- Cooroy United Lodge No. 212 1
- Cooroy [cartographic material] / compiled by the Survey and Mapping Branch, Department of Forestry, Brisbane 1
- Cooroy development control plan gazetted, 5 June, 1992 1
- Cooroy, Queensland [cartographic material] / produced by the Royal Australian Survey Corps 1
- Descendants of David and Justine Morgenstern / compiled by Schreiber Family. 1
- Echoes of the past 1
- Hysterics and history of the Cooroy Bowls Club / poems by Chris Deutschmann ; historical notes by Kennedy McGrath. 1
- Impact of land use on the surface runoff quality in the Lake Macdonald catchment September, 1996. 1
- Kiln Dried Timbers Pty Lts collection 1
- Mill Place [medium] 1
- Monumental inscriptions of the Noosa Shire 1873-1998 1
- Noosa Shire Strategic Plan 1
- Pioneer families of Cooroy & District / edited by Betty Sutton. 1
- Pioneer families of Cooroy and district 1
- Pioneer families of Cooroy and district [compact disc] / Edited by Betty Sutton 1
- Pioneer families of Cooroy and district [sound recording] 1
- Powerlink Queensland 1
- The Bunya quilt / Patches of Cooroy 1
- The Pacific Veyrets Claude Veyret / Kabara Oral History Project 1
- The story of the families of William and Elizabeth Sivyer who emigrated to Australia / written by Ron Sivyer (a fifth generation member of the Sivyer Family) 1
- Through Belli / compiled by Esma Armstrong. 1
- West Cooroy chicken farm collection 1
- Woolooga to Cooroy transmission line and Cooroy South Substation Project 1
- Yali 2010 / Noosa District State High School. 1
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- Landmarks & Memorials2
- Maps & Plans1
- Oral History5
- Organisations & Club2
- People & Family8
- Photograph821
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- Then and Now2
- Video8
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