Pomona Rodeo
Additional InformationIn the August of 1972 Pomona Ambulance formed a Rodeo Committee and made plans to hold a rodeo to help raise money for the community. The initial suggestion was to hold the rodeo at Mr Des Bain's rodeo ring just outside Pomona for the June of 1973, to coincide with the North Coast rodeo circuit.
A community meeting was held in November 1972, amongst the attendees were 5 delegates from the Pomona Ambulance Rodeo Committee. It was decided to construct a new arena and yards at the show grounds for the Rodeo due to the fact that the Ambulance Committee could not give financial support to private property which was generously offered by Mr Bain.
(Sources: Noosa News 10 August 1972, p. 10 -- 2 November 1972, p. 17 -- 13 September 1973, p. 5)
A community meeting was held in November 1972, amongst the attendees were 5 delegates from the Pomona Ambulance Rodeo Committee. It was decided to construct a new arena and yards at the show grounds for the Rodeo due to the fact that the Ambulance Committee could not give financial support to private property which was generously offered by Mr Bain.
(Sources: Noosa News 10 August 1972, p. 10 -- 2 November 1972, p. 17 -- 13 September 1973, p. 5)
Pomona Rodeo. Heritage Noosa, accessed 08/02/2025, https://heritage.noosa.qld.gov.au/nodes/view/21887